Human Service Worker Training Program
March 4, 2020; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Park Central Presbyterian Church


Cost $$50.00

A comprehensive training on the basics of tenants’ rights and responsibilities all in one place and on one day.

See a Draft Agenda

  • Ever wonder which legal services agency can help your client?
  • What does a three day notice to quit really mean?
  • How can you help your client navigate DSS?
  • Can a landlord discriminate against people who smoke?
  • How can a tenant get a security deposit back?
  • How can you help you client preserve their section 8 voucher?
  • What can be done if your client has quality of life issues like noise and loitering?
  • Bedbugs how can you help your client and protect yourself?

Even if you have had in service training from one of the participating agencies this is going to be more comprehensive and up to date.

For more information, contact Sharon Sherman at (315) 475-8092 or email

To register for this event, please complete the form below or download the registration form here.  The registration fee includes bagels and coffee in the morning and a boxed lunch.

Your registration is not final until payment has been received. However, payment may follow later if there is documentation that payment is being processed. Payment can be made via PayPal once you have submitted your registration or by check mailed to:

Greater Syracuse Tenants Network
PO Box 6908
Syracuse, NY  13217
*please be sure to include a copy of your registration with your check

Please register by March 2, 2020

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.